
Virtual python environmentยถ

MISPR depends on a number of third party Python packages, and usually on specific versions of those packages. In order not to interfere with third party packages needed by other software on your machine or cluster, we strongly recommend isolating MISPR in a virtual python environment. In the following, we describe how to create a virtual python environment using the virtualenv tool, but feel free to use your preferred environment manager (e.g. conda).


We recommend that you use Python version 3.7 since this is the version that we have tested MISPR with.

Creating the virtual environmentยถ

To create and activate a new virtual environment, go to your |CODES_DIR| (see Definition), and run the following commands:

pip install --user --upgrade virtualenv     # install virtualenv tool
python -m virtualenv mispr_env              # create "mispr_env" environment
source mispr_env/bin/activate               # activate "mispr_env" environment

This will create a directory in your |CODES_DIR| named mispr_env, where all the packages will be installed. After activation, your prompt should have (mispr_env) in front of it, indicating that you are working inside the virtual environment. The activation script ensures that python programs have access only to packages installed inside the virtualenv. To deactivate the enviornment, simply run:



You may need to install pip and setuptools in your virtual enviornment in case the system or user version of these tools is old:

pip install -U setuptools pip

Computational chemistry softwareยถ

At the backend, MISPR uses:

  • Gaussian software to perform DFT calculations

  • AmberTools to generate GAFF parameters

  • LAMMPS to run MD simulations

  • Packmol to create initial configurations for MD simulations. To install packmol, follow their user guide

Ensure that you have access to the executables of these software before using MISPR. Gaussian is a commercial software that requires a license while AmberTools, LAMMPS, and Packmol are open source. If Gaussian, AmberTools, and LAMMPS are already installed on supercomputing resources, the user typically needs to load their corresponding modules before their use.

Materials Project base librariesยถ

  • pymatgen: MISPR uses pymatgen for handling different molecule representations and i/o operations specific to Gaussian and LAMMPS. We have made changes to the pymatgen library to make it compatible with our needs in MISPR. These changes have not been merged yet with the main pymatgen library. Therefore, in order to use MISPR, you need to install the MolMD version of pymatgen by running the following commands in your |CODES_DIR|:

    git clone
    cd pymatgen
    python install
  • FireWorks: MISPR uses FireWorks to design, manage, and execute workflows. To install, simply type:

    pip install FireWorks

    Further details can be found in the FireWorks documentation.


    While FireWorks is used in MISPR for managing the DFT and MD workflows due to its many advantages, it takes some time to learn and get used to it.

  • custodian: MISPR uses custodian for handling errors that occur during the simulations and correcting them according to predefined rules. We have added a Gaussian plug-in to the custodian library, but similar to the pymatgen changes, these changes have not been merged yet with the main custodian library. Therefore, in order to use MISPR, you need to install the MolMD version of custodian by running the following commands in your |CODES_DIR|:

    git clone
    cd custodian
    python install


Following the design decisions of the Materials Project, MISPR uses MongoDB as the backend database. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that is designed to store and retrieve data in a highly efficient and scalable manner. It stores data in the form of documents represented in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, which is similar to a Python dictionary.

MISPR uses MongoDB to:

  • Add, remove, and search the status of workflows - feature of FireWorks (required)

  • Create computational databases of DFT and MD predicted properties - Feature of MISPR (optional but strongly recommended)

Setting up MongoDBยถ

Options for getting MongoDB are:

  • Install it yourself locally by following the instructions at MongoDB. This is pretty simple and typically works well if you are starting out with MISPR and want to learn how to use a database. However, with this option, you are limited with the storage space on your local machine and you do not have the option to share the database with other users. You also need to have the necessary privileges to install mongo on your machine.

  • Set up an account using a commercial service, which is typically the simplest and easiest to use but is not free of charge for databases with large size. Examples of such services include Atlas and MongoDB Atlas, which offer 500 MB databases for free. This is typically enough to get started for small projects.

  • Self-host a MongoDB server or ask your supercomputing center to offer MongoDB hosting. This is more complicated than the other options and will require continuous maintenance of the server.

After creating a new database, you need to keep record of your credentials. These will be used later in setting up the configuration files required by FireWorks.


MongoDB must be accessible from the computers you are using to run the workflows.

Testing your MongoDB connectionยถ

Establishing a Connection to MongoDB Using Pymongo:

You need to import MongoClient from pymongo and then create a new MongoClient instance. This instance is used to connect to your MongoDB instance:

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")

In this example, weโ€™re connecting to a MongoDB instance that runs on the same machine (localhost) on port 27017, which is the default port for MongoDB.

Testing the Connection to MongoDB:

We can check the connection by listing all the databases:


If the connection is successful, this command will return a list of names of the databases that are present in the MongoDB instance.

Remember, for you to connect to a MongoDB instance, the MongoDB server needs to be installed and running. If itโ€™s not running on localhost:27017, you will need to provide the appropriate connection string.